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pool construction

Pool Construction Equipment

The Quest team specializes in leasing both fleet vehicles and commercial equipment necessary for businesses in the pool industry. From pool construction and installation services to cleaning and repairs, Quest Auto can help your company get the most out of its fleet.


pool construction fleet leasing benefits

Leasing Benefits

Leasing commercial vehicles can help you save money since you won’t be stuck with the long-term payments on a maintenance van you’ll eventually outgrow. Simply return your fleet at the end of the lease and upgrade to a new one. If you decide to buy your fleet vehicles outright, that option is always on the table too. However your business grows, we’re here to help.

Why Lease Your Pool Construction Fleet With Quest?

checkmark iconAccess to a range of manufacturer fleet pricing from all OEMs

checkmark iconExtensive network of fleet-focused dealers

checkmark iconLowest fleet pricing and manufacturer programs available

checkmark iconOpen-ended leases tailored to your unique requirements

checkmark iconImproved cash flow for pool fleet owners

checkmark iconConservation of credit lines for what's important


Grow Your Pool Construction Business with Quest Automotive

From Thornhill to Richmond Hill, Quest Automotive Leasing is always here to help pool construction businesses in the GTA thrive. Our car concierge professionals will work with you every step of the way, reviewing how many vehicles you need, what types of vans, trucks, and customizations are required, and ultimately help you secure the best fleet imaginable. Plus, we can help you continue to save money while your team drives with our excellent fleet telematics and fuel programs.

Contact us today to learn more about how Quest Automotive Leasing can help your pool construction business with our customized leasing services.


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4960 Sheppard Ave. E., Toronto, ON M1S 4A7