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light duty trucks

½ Ton Trucks

From F-150s to Toyota Tundras, find the right light-duty work truck for your everyday needs.

heavy duty trucks

¾ Ton Trucks

With more towing and hauling capability, we offer reliable heavy-duty pickups to get the work done right.

crew cabs and cargo vans

Crew Cabs & Cargo Vans

From catering to landscaping, we can access spacious crew cabs and cargo vans to transport your services

Benefits of Short TeRm Leases

check Flexibility

check Cost-Effective

check Access to New Vehicles

check Quick Fleet Expansion

Build Your Fleet With Quest Automotive Leasing

Whether you own a pool maintenance company or specialize in snow removal, short-term leases can be the most cost-effective option for your business's seasonal needs.


For more information about our fleet leasing services, contact us at Quest Automotive Leasing today!


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Give us a call at (416) 609-2125 or click here to send us a message!

4960 Sheppard Ave. E., Toronto, ON M1S 4A7